Rossborough supports Bright Futures
Rossborough recently supported Bright Futures’ Human Capital Summit: The Future of Work event in Guernsey with Richard Clarke, MD of Rossborough Healthcare and Rossborough’s Guernsey office participating in a panel session.

Rossborough recently supported Bright Futures’ Human Capital Summit: The Future of Work event in Guernsey with Richard Clarke, MD of Rossborough Healthcare and Rossborough’s Guernsey office participating in a panel session.
Via Zoom, Richard joined Susie Crowder of Bright Futures, Claire Cole (founder of BEAT), Joey Freeman (founder of Pilates Core Club) and Gwen Powell (IiP) to discuss ‘The Sustainability Question: Human Capital and The Importance of Wellbeing’.
Focussing on the rising importance of wellbeing within the workplace, Richard explained how Rossborough recognised the need for corporate clients to take a strategic and proactive approach to employees’ health and wellbeing.
‘A few years ago, we noticed more corporate clients wishing to take the lead on health and wellbeing in the workplace. In response, we recruited a specialist team to develop a strategic approach, tailored to each organisation, to enable clients to achieve this. As part of this service, we help clients to access a range of health related technologies, specialists and practitioners and ensure they are accessing the full potential of any existing benefits packages.
‘In the context of the past six months, the lines between work and home have become increasingly blurred which has presented a challenge for employers and employees. We are supporting a number of corporate clients as they adapt to the changes that covid-19 has presented to them and this is an area where we are really seeing how important a bespoke approach is. Flexibility is vital when more people are working from home than ever before and when operating across multiple jurisdictions.
‘I firmly believe that by supporting people’s all round health and wellbeing in the workplace, be that mental, physical, financial or social wellbeing, this investment will flow into the employee’s personal life, therefore having a positive impact on the wellbeing of the wider community and this in turn flows back through in a positive way to their work life. There is now a much wider understanding that this is a priority for businesses, and it can also be a commercial advantage,’ said Mr Clarke.