GUERNSEY: COVID-19 - Relaxation of lockdown and commitment to move to Phase 4
Useful information

Following the decision by the States of Guernsey on 22nd May to move into Phase 4 of Guernsey’s exit from lockdown on 30th May, we thought it would be useful to share some information on what this means for you and your business. Further detail will be provided week of 25th May.
Overview (
Phase 4 represents a further progression towards a more normal level of activity within Guernsey. Further parts of the local economy, including retail and hospitality, hairdressers and beauticians, will be able to function although some restrictions on work practices, gatherings and social distancing will remain in place.
Businesses unable to operate fully or under social distancing restrictions in phase 2 and 3 will be permitted to operate under increased hygiene requirements. Some businesses may include elements of construction that require multiple individuals working in close proximity to perform a task. Hairdressers, beauticians and other similar businesses will also be able to operate, with hygiene measures in place.
Retail may be permitted to return to near normal with certain eased restriction on social distancing, but with continued cleaning and hygiene requirements in place. Some business elements may be restricted if they present a particular task (for example changing rooms may be closed, fitting of clothes or activity that requires physical contact will be restricted) and restrictions on the numbers in any premises (customers and staff) will be necessary.
Restaurants, hotels, cafes and pubs serving food will be permitted to open with social distancing and hygiene and cleanliness requirements both in public facing areas and kitchens. Restaurants will need to amend layouts of tables to ensure sufficient and respectable distance achieved. Restrictions on standing at bars within restaurants in line with pre ‘lockdown’ restrictions. All facilities will be subject to increased hygiene measures in guest rooms and for staff, and contactless payments should be encouraged.
All gyms and leisure facilities will be able to reopen, with additional hygiene and social distancing measures in place.
Public venues, including sports venues, churches and community centres, museums, theatres and cinemas may be permitted to open with restrictions on the size, nature and duration of activities.
Some public gatherings, including social, cultural and sporting events may be able to resume with strict social distancing and hygiene measures in place, and with possible restrictions on the maximum number of people in attendance. This may include congregational services with social distancing.
More details on Phase 4, including businesses and work-related activities and recreational activities, as well as the release and adaptive triggers can be found in the full framework document.
You can keep up to date on the States of Jersey COVID-19 portal. The below links are particularly useful.