Gallagher gets between the posts with the Guernsey Raiders and announces new support for the team

We are proud to have worked with the Guernsey Raiders for a number of years and are very pleased to announce the extension of our support for the team. Brand new for the training ground this season, Gallagher has supplied the team with new post protectors, pitch flags and training bibs.
Guernsey Raiders Sponsorship Director, Chris Gnapp, said, ‘We are delighted to continue our partnership with Gallagher. The right, top quality equipment is essential for not only our players but also ensuring we are a first rate facility for visiting teams.’
Colin Murdoch from Gallagher, Guernsey commented, ‘Gallagher is a great supporter of sport across Guernsey and Jersey. We are invested in our island communities and it is a real pleasure for us to work with the Guernsey Raiders. They are such a fantastic team and Guernsey is very proud of all their hard work and achievements.’
On 18 November, a home match saw the Guernsey Raiders take on Canterbury, and Gallagher was on the sidelines cheering them on. Colin Murdoch, Alistair Martin and Chris Davies from Gallagher were lucky enough to catch up with the players, Dan Rice (Fly Half) and Charlie Simmonds (Scrum Half) before the match as the players took to the field to begin their warm-up. After a hard battle, the match unfortunately did not go the way of the Raiders but there are plenty more opportunities ahead as the team gears up for the 2023/24 season.