COVID-19 Update - Changes to how we do business

Please find below the significant changes made by Rossborough as a result of COVID-19, as well as details on how to keep up to date.
What We've Done
16th March
Closed our face to face service in all branches, reducing personal contact to help reduce the spread of the virus
16th-20th March
Worked with our staff to give them the ability to work remotely, so that they could support the efforts to stop the spread of the virus by staying at home
Provided our staff with details of physical and especially mental support for their time at home
23rd March
Reduced our offices to a skeleton staff to run essential functions, such as receiving manual insurance certificates and posting essential documents such as Windscreen Insurance Discs in the Channel Islands
How You Can Help
We are doing what we can to work as closely as possible to previously. However you will notice some changes:
Our ability to answer phone calls is likely to be reduced. If you can communicate by email, then please help us by doing so – we turn almost all emails around by the end of the next working day at the latest – it’s normally far sooner. If you do not have a direct email address for a specific broker, then please use one of the below:
- Jersey –
- Guernsey –
- Isle of Man –
We must keep mail to a minimum as have only our skeleton staff handling this. We will therefore email all documents that we can and only post what we can’t email such as Windscreen Insurance Discs. Please support us in doing this by giving your broker your email address.
Keeping Up To Date
We will keep you up to date using many social media methods below. Please add us on as many platforms as you use so that you’re always in the loop. Our details are below:
- Facebook:
- Linked In:
- Instagram:
Finally, you can keep an eye on our news page:
We look forward to seeing all of our customers and our colleagues face to face again at some point in the near future; we thank you for your support; and we wish you all good health.