Complimentary valuation service offered at Rossborough's Jersey office as part of Brilliance Festival

Rossborough Private Clients is proud to have supported the Brilliance Festival, Jersey’s first jewellery and watch festival, which took place on the Island between 23rd October and 7th November.
As part of this fantastic event, we teamed up with Doerr Dallas Valuations to offer an exclusive, complimentary valuation service to our Private Clients and others that may find this helpful on Thursday 4th November, for up to three pieces of jewellery and watches.
The team from Doerr Dallas Valuations – Aurélia Turrall, jewellery specialist, and Alastair Meiklejon, watches specialist – gave people the opportunity to meet with them in a private meeting room, where they were able to appraise up to three items per person. People who attended the valuation then received a PDF valuation report for insurance replacement which included: details of the piece (stone, size, metal, etc.), details of any certificates, the certificate number, the name of the grading laboratory, photographs for identification purpose, and a value.
Doerr Dallas Valuations’ specialists also gave the opportunity to discuss how you would choose to replace the item in the event of a loss. Many insurers apply a ‘New for Old’ replacement clause to jewellery and watches but Doerr Dallas Valuations ensures that, if your piece is an antique or is obsolete, their valuation reflects this – offering a value based on either a second-hand replacement or secondary market replacement.
When it comes to insurance of valuable personal items, the most important question is – should you suffer a loss, can you provide proof of ownership and value? In most cases, the answer is ‘no’ so a valuation provides you with this and ensures that you are covered.
Mark Vautier, our Head of Private Clients, commented: “We’re so pleased to have partnered with Doerr Dallas Valuations to offer this exclusive valuations service as part of the Brilliance Festival. As a local insurance broker, our team can offer flexible insurance policies for high value contents and valuables on behalf of Private Clients, and having up to date valuations helps to ensure accuracy of sums insured and contributes to a seamless claim process in the event of a loss.”
Doerr Dallas Valuations offers full home visits so if you would like to book a home valuation, or would like a proposal and quotation for a home valuation, please email or call 01883 722 736.